Thursday, August 19, 2010

E Marketing 2 : Consumer Behavior in the Internet I

To successfully implement your business online, it is key to understand the consumer behavior in the internet -
For e.g.HANOVER Direct Inc. - Major E-Commerce firm in US did a research to find out why internet consumers start to buy products in their web site but fail to purchase. The reasons were
  1. Web page takes time to load
  2. There is too much jargon in web page they do not understand
  3. Consumers become indecisive - they are not sure (need help)
What Hanover did was they built easily loading pages without jargon and with web chat, skype or live call customer help. It worked!!!
Likewise - It is important to understand how customers feel in your web site...
According to Sri Lanka had 1,163,500 Internet users as of Sept/09 - That was 5.5% penetration from total population.
There are few factors that determine consumer behavior -

  1. Technological factor
  2. Socio-Cultural factor
  3. Legal factor
  4. Personal Factor

Lets discuss how each factor effects customers one by one in next posts...

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